We give more than a good design. To produce more than what is expected, we give more…
We never just settle for giving clients what they want, we give them what they never imagined in their wildest dreams to be possible – The philosophy of Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates, a long standing architectural firm known for being the face of change in architecture. We encourage the implementation of green architecture into our design process, hence facilitating sustainability for the future.
With over 38 years of experience, Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates is known for their practice in Jamaica and also in other parts of the Caribbean, working on numerous civic, commercial and residential buildings.
We take great pride in providing value for our clients through helping them in determining the best value for their budgets and in assisting agencies align priorities with funding ability, market trend analysis, negotiations support, contract management as well as cost and time control of projects. We believe in giving our best on all projects regardless of the scope or value.
Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates is an amazing company to work with. Our qualified and experienced professional staff exhibit resilience through a cohesive, combined design effort from conception to completion. We can truly say we are the consultant of choice to undertake your next project.

After purchasing an existing eight-bedroom apartment complex that in most eyes would have been deemed as a derelict building fit for demolition. I remember inviting the principal of Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates to take a look at the building I purchased and to share my ideas with him. At our first site visit he did not seem perturbed by the condition of the building and what we wanted to transform it into. Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates took on the task and produced a multi-floor, complex office building whilst retaining the outer shell of the existing building and incorporating it into the new proposed design.
By taking this approach we managed to save thirty percent (30%) of the construction cost as opposed to demolishing the existing building and started from scratch. Today the building is being utilized for what it was intended and we are more than happy with the end product. This firm has met our demands in achieving what we never anticipated as possible. We have no objection in recommending Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates as a firm you can rely on in delivering the best.

Private Residence – Lanarch Drive, St. Andrew
I have known the firm Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates and its principal for many years. We have worked on a number of projects in the past. Henceforth, in choosing an architectural firm to do a major renovation on my private residence, I never hesitated when making the decision to choose the firm Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates. The private residence that was purchased was a single story existing building that was built in the 1980s. Combined with my ideas and what I had anticipated my end results to be, the vision, personal attention and hands-on approach of the architect firm Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates made our working relationship seamless. During the design process the team members from the firm were quick to offer suggestions and advice as to how to better achieve functionally whilst improving aesthetic value. During the construction phase, the firm could always be contacted when clarifications and or modifications were required. We have found team members to be easy going and professional while undertaking their duties. The firm reminds one of the beacons in putting a spin on architecture landscape in Jamaica, I would not hesitate in recommend them.

Jamaica Information Service (JIS)
When looking to relocate our current studio facilities, we sent out an open tender of which the firm Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates was successful in the bid. Based on the qualifications, years of experience and supporting consulting team, we have found the firm to be easy going and a pleasure to work with. During the planning stages of the proposed design to our new location, the firm was quick to offer advice and suggestions as to ways and means of approaching our proposed designs in a structured and efficient way whilst being considerate of our budget and any limitations that existed. We would gladly recommend Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates as a firm that you would not regret choosing as they will give of their best in ensuring that your project will be one of success.

The Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica
The architectural firm of L.J. Robinson and Associates were the winners of the bid to refurbish and expand our physical facilities to meet the growing demand for reproductive health services in Jamaica, the Caribbean and beyond. From the outset they were very positive that our goals could be achieved. Our research on the company confirmed their historical, distinctive and competent service to the health sector. Our facility benefitted from their experience and knowledge of health facilities as well as other related services.
L.J. Robinson was professional, open to discussing and assessing options and receptive to our ideas. The challenges were jointly addressed by both parties and we valued very much the considerations made by L.J. Robinson and Associates to overcome them with minimal disruption. Their advice and recommendations during the life of the project and beyond have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of our services and programmes.

Private Residence – St. Andrew
The firm Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates was recommended to me by a friend of mine who was a former client of the firm. I can remember our initial meeting were one of the team member of the firm was asking a lot of questions – which some persons may deem to be personal. I was being asked if the existing building on the property was purchased for the purpose of renting or it was purchased to be transformed into a private residence. Little did I know at the time that the team member was trying to understand our needs; wants; desires and limitations that existed. It was this line of questioning that contributed to us putting together a comprehensive brief that captured what we anticipated as our expectations for this project.
The premises that we purchased was an existing eight-unit self-contained structure. The task of the firm was to convert the existing building into a single family dwelling with a level of openness and modernity that would capture what we envisioned as being our new family home. The firm took on the challenge and executed it well. I would not be opposed to recommend Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates based on prior performance of a job well done.