After purchasing an existing eight-bedroom apartment complex that in most eyes would have been deemed as a derelict building fit for demolition. I remember inviting the principal of Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates to take a look at the building I purchased and to share my ideas with him. At our first site visit he did not seem perturbed by the condition of the building and what we wanted to transform it into. Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates took on the task and produced a multi-floor, complex office building whilst retaining the outer shell of the existing building and incorporating it into the new proposed design.
By taking this approach we managed to save thirty percent (30%) of the construction cost as opposed to demolishing the existing building and started from scratch. Today the building is being utilized for what it was intended and we are more than happy with the end product. This firm has met our demands in achieving what we never anticipated as possible. We have no objection in recommending Lloyd J. Robinson & Associates as a firm you can rely on in delivering the best.